CHROMATOGRAPHY, Vol. 34 (2013), No. 3, pp. 151-156
Current Status of Development of the Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation Using Ligand Binding Assay
Akiko Ishii-Watabe
Division of biological chemistry and biologicals, National Institute of Health Sciences 1-18-1 kamiyoga, setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan
Ligand binding assay (LBA) is a method for detecting an analyte using binding reagents such as antibodies against an analyte. Currently, LBA is used as a standard method for the bioanalysis of therapeutic peptides or proteins. In this review, the principle and examples of LBAs used for bioanalysis as well as the reason why LBA is used as a standard method for large molecule bioanalysis is described. In addition, current situation of the development of Japanese bioanalytical method validation guideline for LBA is mentioned. This review is based on of the presentation at the 20th Chromatography symposium workshop held in Kobe in June 5th 2013.
Ligand Binding Assay, Bioanalytical Method Validation, Guideline.