CHROMATOGRAPHY, Vol. 28 (2007), No. 2, pp. 75-79
Technical Review
New Foundation of Ultra−High−Speed and Separation Technologies on Liquid Chromatography
Tatsuya Ezaki, Naomi Tanaka
The resolution needs to be compromised if the run time needs to be shorted in the traditional HPLC analysis as fast LC. To shorten the run
time, the column length should be shorter and the mobile phase flow rate should be faster. But the resolution can be lower at the same time. "Van Deemter's law" explains the resolution can be maximized using theoretically suitable mobile phase flow rate. Also it shows the smaller column particle brings higher resolution. But it was so difficult to develop the LC columns and the hardware, which had higher resistance to pressure. Waters BEH technology and UPLC system technology made such ideal separation technology possible.
Ultra Performance LC, UPLC, HPLC, Fast LC, UV, Van Deemter's law