CHROMATOGRAPHY, Vol. 28 (2007), No. 2, pp. 61-65
Rapid mobile phase optimization with a miniature column for reversed−phase chromatography
Miho Ebata, Isao Yanagisawa, Emi Sakamoto, Osamu Shirota
HPLC application laboratory, Professional pharmaceuticals and chemical division, Shiseido Co. Ltd., 2−2−1 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki, Yokohama, 224−8558 Japan
A rapid method to optimize a mobile phase for a given analyte in reversed−phase liquid chromatography was proposed, where ten preliminary 1.2−min gradient runs with altered starting organic contents (0 to 90%,with 10% increment) and the common final organic content (100%) were carried out with a miniature column (1.5 mm i.d. x 10 mm). It was found that an optimized mobile phase for a longer analytical column (150 mm) can be determined simply by using values obtained from calculations on a spread−sheet program with pieces of information given by the gradient runs. The method shortened the time required for mobile phase optimization to approximately 40 min, and also minimized the liquid consumption.
Keywords: mobile phase optimization ; miniature column ; reversed−phase chromatography